
How to install and use metamask on Google Chrome?

Go to Chrome Web Store Extensions Section. Search MetaMask. Check the number of downloads to make sure that the legitimate MetaMask is being installed, as hackers might try to make clones of it. Click the Add to Chrome button. Once installation is complete this page will be displayed. ... More items...

How to use metamask safely?

Tips for using Metamask safely: Using Metamask Extensions Metamask is easy when used with installing extensions. ... Securely store your seed phrase The usage of a seed phrase, or Secret Recovery Phrase, is a regular feature of most cryptocurrency wallets. ... Why is it necessary to save your Secret Recovery Phrase? ... More items...

How to contact metamask support?

level 1. HospitalQuirky. · 4m. Have you tried: https://metamask.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new. or click on MetaMask orange/red circle in the top right corner and from there select support. On the webpage that opens, click on contact support. 2. level 2.

What does metamask do?

What Does MetaMask Do? There are multiple layers to MetaMask as a software solution. First and foremost, it is a convenient Ethereum wallet that supports all token standards on this blockchain. Users can store their favorite Etheruem-based assets in this wallet, making it easier to keep everything in one place.

